

Arduino Base Converter with 4×4 Keypad and I2C LCD

Arduino hexadecimal to binary Base Converter is a simple design that can be built using 4×4 Keypad and I2C LCD display module. Arduino MEGA board was chosen as a target device. This circuit will wait for a single digit to ...

Binary to Hex 7-Segment Arduino

In this post I’ll show you how to build a simple Binary to Hexadecimal converter using common cathode 7-Segment display and Arduino Mega compatible Iduino Mega R3 board.  Similar devices should also work ,however I did not test it. The ...

Arduino Up Down Counter LCD

Up Down Counter design based on Arduino MEGA compatible board is the topic of this uses 2x16 LCD display to show the counter values and 4x3 keypad to input initial 3 digit number.The counter will count Up/Down according to ...

Arduino 4-Digit 7-Segment LED Voltmeter MAX7219

Here is another version of Arduino based voltmeter. This time it uses 4-digit 7-Segment LED display and MAX7219 Display Driver. For similar design with 2x16 LCD display click this link. Also you can look at PIC16F876 implementation in my previous ...

INA219 current sensor with Arduino

Measuring current is a relatively simple task that can be done by connecting a shunt resistor in series with the load and measuring the voltage on this resistor. The voltage is proportional to a load current according to Ohm’s law ...

Arduino with DS3231 Real Time Clock

In this post I’ll show you how to interface a RTC module DS3231 Real Time Clock  with Arduino. This particular module uses I2C protocol to transfer current time to a micro controller. DS3231 library and header files should be installed ...

Basic counter with RGB LED 2812 Pixel Matrix Shield

In this post I’ll show how to interface a Keyestudio 40 RGB LED 2812 Pixel Matrix Shield with Arduino UNO compatible board. Each LED on this shield has an integrated chip WS2812 and can be individually controlled. Attached Arduino code ...

Arduino 7-Segment LED Display MAX7219

MAX7219 is a serial input/output common-cathode display driver. It can interface the microcontroller to 7-segment numeric LED displays, bar-graph displays, dot matrix display or  individual LEDs. This IC has some very useful features like built in decoder, multiplex scan circuitry, ...

Basic Arduino Frequency Counter

Basic frequency counter capable of measuring 0-5V square wave up to 100kHz can be built using just 2 components: Arduino MEGA board and 2x16 LCD display. For PIC16F876 version click here. Frequency counter code is also very simple. It uses ...

Arduino Digital Level MPU-6050

In this post a 1 axis basic digital level design will be presented. This circuit is based on Arduino UNO board and MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope chip. The communication is done using I2C interface. MPU6050 module address can vary depending ...