7-Segment LED Display with I2C
In this post we’ll add a serial data transfer capability to a standard 7-Segment LED Display by using PCF8574 I/O Port expander IC with I2C interface.For similar design based on Arduino see this link. Usually in order to minimize required ...

3 Digit Up Down Counter PIC16F877A
3 Digit Up Down Counter shown here is based on PIC16F877A microcontroller. The count is shown on the 2x16 LCD display and the direction is controlled by a switch connected to bit 3 of PORTA. With minimal changes the attached ...

DC Motor Controller
This post is about building a simple PIC16F88 based DC motor controller. Motor speed and direction can be controlled by two push buttons SW1, SW2. One for motor speed and the other for polarity. This post follows recently published projects like PWM ...

1Hz Clock Generator using PIC16F876
In this article we’ll see how to generate 1 Hz clock with PIC16F876/877 PIC microcontrollers. 3 different approaches will be demonstrated. The most basic solution is to use nested loops to “waste” enough instruction cycle time in order to produce ...

Simple IR Proximity Sensor
This post is about building a Simple IR Proximity Sensor based on PIC16F877a micro controller. Usually these simple circuits are built using discrete components and include an OP AMP for comparing the photo diode voltage to a preset value. Current ...

10Bit 7-Segment Digital Voltmeter 0-24V
This is an upgrade to recently published Simple Digital Voltmeter.Few improvements were done to hardware and software.DVM operating range was slightly increased up to 24 V Max, however the most significant change is that the code now uses full 10 bit of ...

Running LED with PIC16F877A
In this post I'll show a simple running LED circuit. Currently only 2 patterns are available but additional effects can be easily added by slightly modifying the code. This design uses only 16 LED's however PIC16F877 has 5 I/O ports ...

LED Aquarium Lighting
Recently I was asked to build an aquarium lighting controller prototype to provide variable brightness during its operation and ability to program ON/OFF times. 25 blue and white diffused 10mm LED were used to illuminate the aquarium. The main requirement from ...

Digital Alarm Clock
Digital Alarm Clock design based on PIC16F876A will be demonstrated in this post. Various modules from earlier project were implemented in current design hardware and source code. For example it uses the same 7-Segment Display and multiplexing routing as in ...

LCD Alarm Clock
Due to popular demand I've modified digital clock design to work with LCD display instead of 7-Segment LED as described in this post. For Arduino version click here. All the capabilities of LED version have been maintained in current project. 1 ...