Raspberry Pi LED Bar Graph Display
Raspberry Pi based LED bar graph display is a relatively simple circuit. It can be easily built using commonly available components. For Arduino version click here. 8 LEDs, 1k potentiometer, ADS1015 ADC module and Raspberry Pi board is all you ...

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor with Raspberry Pi
Using HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor with Raspberry Pi is a relatively easy task. HC-SR04 is a very popular module that can provide the distance to the object by sending ultrasonic bursts at 40kHz and measuring the time it takes for the ...

Raspberry Pi and 74HC595 Shift Register
Raspberry Pi I/O capabilities can be expanded by adding one or cascading a number of shift registers. In this design 74HC595 example is shown. 74HC595 is a very popular and relatively cheap IC. There are assembled modules based on this ...

Waveform Generator using Raspberry Pi
Simple Waveform Generator based on Raspberry Pi and DAC converter MCP4725 is the topic of this post. It can generate 3 types of signals. Sine, Square and Triangular waves. There is also a basic GUI to control its operation. See ...

LCD voltmeter based on ADS1015 with Raspberry Pi
LCD voltmeter with Raspberry Pi and ADS1015 is the topic of this project. Similar design for Arduino platform is available at this link. ADS1015 is a 12 bit ADC chip with 4 analog input channels. The interface with Raspberry Pi ...

Sine Wave with MCP4725 and Rasperry Pi
Generating Sine wave is a relatively simple task. It can be done by adding MCP4725 12bit DAC to Raspberry Pi. For Arduino version based on PCF8591 IC click this link. This setup is based on I2C interface and works by ...

Multiplexing 7-Segment Display with Raspberry Pi
When working with multiple 7-Segment displays a multiplexing scheme is required in order to simplify the design and save Raspberry Pi I/O pins. Such implementations shown in this design. As can be seen from a schematic diagram 2 7-Segment displays ...

Raspberry Pi Digital Clock with 16×2 LCD
Raspberry Pi based Digital Clock with 16×2 LCD display is a relatively simple project.It requires only a small set of components and can be completed in less than an hour. Previously I’ve published similar designs based on other popular ...

Raspberry Pi 3 Digit LED 7-Segment Countdown Timer
Multiplexing 7-Segment display scheme with Raspberry Pi as described here can be used as a basis for more complex projects. By adding 4x4 keypad matrix and replacing individual 7-Segment displays with a common anode 4 digit 7-Segments module a simple ...

LM35 Temperature Sensor with Raspberry Pi
Using LM35 temperature sensor with Raspberry Pi is a relatively simple task once you have a way to read and convert analog signals. Fortunately in my previous project I’ve shown how to build a basic Raspberry Pi voltmeter with ADS1015 ...